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Methandienone oral (Dianabol)  online by

Dianabol 20

58.80 InStock

Dragon Pharma


Methandienone oral (Dianabol)


20mg (100 pilules)

Buy Dianabol Online with Credit Card, like any methandienone in general, is characterized by a relatively low price (compared to other steroids), and due to its high fame, the choice of many beginners in the application of sports pharmacology often falls on it. Most often, the expectations of the athletes of this group,  more than justifies, because it gives a very quick increase in weight and strength, which grow literally from the first days of the course, even despite the rather high percentage of Perte de poids resulting from the post-cycle rollback phenomenon (up to 25% of mass obtained).

Other disadvantages of methandrostenolone are its aromatization, as well as moderate liver toxicity, which is associated with 17-alpha alkylation (otherwise the drug will be completely destroyed in the liver). However, Buy Dianabol Online Credit Card aromatization (conversion to estrogen), if necessary, is eliminated with the help of Anastrozole or other aromatase inhibitors, and the harmful effect on the liver is reduced to an acceptable minimum with properly organized cycles in compliance with the necessary recommendations. Under such conditions, the steroid can be safely recommended to beginners “chemists”.

Dianabol 20: effects and other features

  • creates the conditions for a rapid increase in body weight – up to 7-10 kg per standard solo cycle
  • significantly increase appetite, strength and endurance
  • joint-ligamentous and bone apparatus is strengthened
  • slightly increased fat burning in the body
  • androgenic characteristics reduced in comparison with “pure” testosterone
  • can be used by beginner “chemists” that Buy Dianabol Online Credit Card
  • does not significantly affect libido and potency

Quick Overview: Substance: Methandienone oral (Dianabol)
Paquet : 20mg (100 pilules)
Fabricant : Dragon Pharma

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