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Boldenone undecylenate (Equipose)  online by

Pharma Bold 500

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Pharmacom Labs


Boldenone undecylenate (Equipose)


10ml flacon (500mg/ml)

Pharma Bold 500 (Equipoise / Boldenone) has been widely used, especially among Western athletes, because of the contribution to the effective increase in muscle mass and the minimum number of side effects. Because of this, it is also often taken by the fair sex. Boldenone (another name equipoise) is sold in special flacons or ampoules and is used injection, which minimizes the load on the liver.

Effects of Pharma Bold 500

The use of equipoise gives a slow but steady increase in muscle mass, which is a consequence of increased appetite, which increases almost immediately after the start of anabolic use. In addition, the drug stimulates the production of erythropoietin, which in turn leads to an increase in the production of red blood cells. This contributes to the enhanced supply of oxygen to tissues, as a result of which endurance increases.

A very important factor when using the drug boldenone is that it stabilizes the androgen receptor, which acquires strong anti-catabolic properties. In other words, the process of protein breakdown in the body is suspended. Sports tool for bodybuilders has proven itself in the period of active recruitment of muscle mass, and at the stage of cutting. Androgenic effect of boldenone is extremely weak, the main side effect is only increased sexual desire. Thus, the use of equipoise is quite safe due to the small number of side effects, which makes it possible to apply it not only to men, but also to female athletes.

Pharma Bold 500 cycle

The duration of use of the Pharma Bold 500 (boldenone) is 8-12 weeks, during which the athlete receives a total dose of boldenone from 400 to 1000 mg, to be more precise in the choice of dosage, 10-12 mg of boldenone should be put on 1 kg of body weight. At the end of the cycle, it is recommended to go through the PCT reception phase (3 weeks after the last boldenone injection)

Side effects

Due to mild estrogen and progestin activity Equipoise does not provoke an accumulation of fluid in the body, and aromatization almost completely absent. Also almost never observed acne, pressure increase and other “side effects” inherent in steroids with high androgenic activity.

Quick Overview: Substance: Boldenone undecylenate (Equipose)
Paquet : 10ml flacon (500mg/ml)
Fabricant : Pharmacom Labs

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